Maximise Well Christian School




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Papua New Guinea

Maximise Well History

Birth of Maximise Well Christian School
The school began operating in 2002 in Port Moresby, with just 27 students. It was born out of a great need to provide education for over one million children who were missing out, due to lack of opportunity. Acute need, highlighted by the media, demanded action. The idea was hatched, and Ulla Kamppi decided to expand the home school she used to educate son Jeremy, to accommodate a few others. A classroom was built under the family home and soon the small residential yard became the playing field. A need soon arose for a bigger school. With almost 50 students in one classroom, it became necessary to expand. Four years later, it is clearly evident how far the school has come. With almost 100 students, and a new location, a greater desire has been birthed to keep the school growing.

A sister school was established in a remote mountain village of Tavui in the Rigo region, with enrolments of around forty children. The government was unable to provide education any longer to this isolated area.

During 2005 another ACE church school was started in Nipa, Southern Highlands, with 140 ABC (preschool) students. Our goal is to create a possibility to provide the school curriculum (PACEs) to all the students in our schools. The challenge before us is to train more supervisors who see this work as a ministry. The school is not being run as a business. Most teachers and supervisors are voluntary/minimum wage workers. The staff believe in helping the country of PNG by giving these children a better future. Volunteer workers from overseas are welcome to help. If there is any other way you wish to be a part of this mission, do not hesitate to contact us.

If only…
our challenge had been in enrolling more students -that would have been easy. The issue is finding the space to accommodate them. This means physical buildings. Currently there is a need for more classrooms to be built as the school continues to grow. Finding suitable people to supervise students and their activities, is another blessing we need. Another challenge is to find sponsor parents for underprivileged children. This is to pay for their school material. No one is turned away based on their social or economic status.

Why “Maximise Well”?
Maximise Well Christian school is a non-profit organisation using the curriculum of ACE School of Tomorrow. Accelerated Christian Education provides a wholesome approach to developing a person not only academically and mentally, but also spiritually to be able to live and function in harmony with God’s overall plan for mankind.

“Maximise Well” embodies the idea of “maximum benefit for less”. Our goal is to provide quality education on par with anywhere in the world, for as cheap as possible, making it affordable for all.




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